zhone, 矢子家庭集。是子不逆,有始无终。何时何处事假。 one China of one Chinese. unite China as well as Chinese all over the world under one China in democracy under God's shine. secure China in Empire and Dynasty, uphold Chinese under God's shine. www.zhone.mobi
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
girl zhou, i m sorry for claiming "zhou fell" in my hardest time in this forum back to 2007.
i grant u r one of mine.
come and join me, sooner the better. i need u, as well as all my beloved, my girls that praying for me. original post at https://groups.google.com/group/benzyrnill/browse_thread/thread/d5982af70421ef3c https://groups.google.com/group/benzyrnill/t/c18d667046d7a571
look the site i claimed for u: http://zhou.be21zh.org or http://sites.google.com/site/gozhou .it just waiting for u to cultivate it.
a sleepless night for all my girls. allow Jiangyue join me from now on.
From Family&folks ∑ hometown journey |
From Still lifes (3) ∑ hometown journey |
From Still lifes (3) ∑ hometown journey |
yesterday i finally got all family facebook's vanity profile urls, after a previous day's hot waiting and vain. it rained when i busy with getting enough mobiles to pass the verification a new vanity url demands. in the night i tried to join a chatroom to get more fans to my family pages in exchange i become fans to more pages i never heard in the aim to pass the limit facebook set to allow a page's vanity url. then my eldest brother knocked our door and sent us 2 slices of water melon. i went to bed eariler than usual, but a dream woke me up in mid night and stay me awoke almost all night. i dreamed of a newly got well being guy suggesting travel countryside with his car. then in a sex course woke me up i found the feeling of ema, my baby son's mother, and my own, upon sex. i got view that faith in God is in fact the longest and most passionate sex the faith owner can get. and his gifted beloved blessed with the longest and most peaceful, the most harmonious sex pleasures, the only lasting warmth in men&women's life. faith grant believers the longest and lasting warmth fails age and rigidity/mediocrity age brings. its started raining since then. how i love the rain, which always remind me of the warmth of house, mutual cares in homes when no other distractions but just gathering rain brings. i gradually reviewed all my love with my girls, esp. Lü and Masheng, for who i most looking forward to join me and care my life together. from girl Lü i started to review the girl Jiangyue, a once student of ema and got ema's tutor together with girl Lü at ema's house. i previously felt girl Jiangyue might belongs to my baby son, for in the end of the tutuor and in a occasion baby chosen her while i more satisfied by the competent girl Lü. no, i got wrong, this moment i made clear, after the drizzle and a shit release in the mid of this blogging, and worry about the security and frustrating of girl Jiangyue upon my missing love to her. i made clear Jiangyue belongs to my Royal and IS my wife. my God had and forever cares her, including her growth and career's independence, as well as self-realization. i made clear my baby son's uniting with girl(s) in family name "Jiang", can be quite late, all in God's setting which forever the best. i made clear girl Jiangyue can join me any time, and can live with my together from now on.
Monday, June 22, 2009
shit China surveillance, failed lots of proxy, including freedur
Monday, June 15, 2009
a great week.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
a busy week, nephew returned from college entrance exam&join cyberlife here.
From Family&folks ∑ hometown journey |
From Family&folks ∑ hometown journey |
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
a media reply
From Family&folks ∑ hometown journey |
From Still lifes (3) ∑ hometown journey |
Doug Cress suggested that I contact you. My name is Julia Garrison and I am ThisIsDiversity's Special Features Reporter. I would love to learn more about your situation as a journalist in China: the topic of internet censorship is one that I find extremely problematic. It would be great to get your story on this highly debated issue so that I could write an article informing people around the world about what is happening in your country.
What kind of restrictions are placed on Journalists in China?
In your experience, how does the average Chinese citizen react to the restrictions placed on Journalists?
What are the consequences of Journalists who speak out?
Do you know of any journalists that have been censored by the Chinese Government?
What kinds of bans or restrictions have been placed on internet use and what, if any, reasons does the government give for these restrictions?
How do you get around the restrictions? Do you think China will change its policies?
What is your goal for China regarding free speech?
How does your faith in God relate to this goal?
How do the restrictions on journalists and internet censorship relate to the Tiananmen Square massacre that occurred on June 4, 1989?
| benzyrnill, set to fly - do it, make it. mobile:+8615845661821 skype:benzyrnill yahoo:benzradi icq:134279664 gtalk:dabbog@gmail.com QQ: 570503557 dabbog@gmail.com 盲言之芒岩 你在清贫中呆得太久了 你分不清月色的石子和清癯的星 眸子的星芒浮于薄霭 厌倦的兽眼阴雨里低低沉吼 http://be21zh.org |