Chinese most software&web service will die in the same way, just for their featureless. The dogged mined China authority nowadays driving lots of social energy wasting in the same way: duplicate poor quality product parallel to advanced product in Christian world, just feeds its dictator's sick will to feel inferior again and again to the world leader in US in hundred years since the fall of Ming dynasty on the scary land, to assure the totalitarian that he still owns some cheap labors from the stealth of state power, in the lent fake cause of state security. they steal and copy, but all of them just a waste of dog shits. China, had to learn to stand up on the shoulder of giant like America, not the cheap locksmith it beholds in its history that's not short and time to arouse.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)zhone, 矢子家庭集。是子不逆,有始无终。何时何处事假。 one China of one Chinese. unite China as well as Chinese all over the world under one China in democracy under God's shine. secure China in Empire and Dynasty, uphold Chinese under God's shine.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
google profiles goes ever brighter.
i love google profiles, hope it grows steadily. world opener with google's deeds.
google wouldn't missing any social networks, its in God's favor.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
- 13:20 [GReader Share]香港人际关系冷漠 母亲与孩子一起自杀频发 - #
- 13:30 Chinese lost in the failure of its traditional&native belief. #
- 13:30 Chinese lost in the failure of its traditional&native belief.: #
- 13:30 Chinese lost in the failure of its traditional&native belief. #
- 13:32 [GReader Share]中国官方称西方民主不会扎根中国 - goo.g l/qIwr #
- 13:41 end of socialism China mainland. #
- 13:41 end of socialism China mainland. #
- 13:41 end of socialism China mainland.: #
- 18:46 [GReader Share]使用 Gmail 和 Docs 管理你的个人财务 - #
- 18:46 [GReader Share]Google 大陆服务状态面板更新,Mobile Partially Blocked? - #
- 09:32 first rain, a bliess from my Japanese Queen, Masheng, in lunar 2010: #
- 09:32 first rain, a bliess from my Japanese Queen, Masheng, in lunar 2010 #
- 09:33 first rain, a bliess from my Japanese Queen, Masheng, in lunar 2010: #
- 09:49 a wet morning in balance. #
- 09:49 a wet morning in balance. #
- 09:49 a wet morning in balance.: #
first rain, a bliess from my Japanese Queen, Masheng, in lunar 2010
first spring rain in 2010.^last night i enjoy music, esp. Jolin Tsi's songs, after 11pm. the full moon still very bright. in the night i slept sound but woke up by rain drip on the roof. some time after 8am i got up to see the rain. its a small rain, but i guess very valueable for peasant. the cloudy sky still let me doubt, but i m assured its a blessing my web comments yesterday:
Re: @merriemarie what obtained from robber, what lost in shame.
Benzrad Zhu
Re: @merriemarie its can terrified Chinese cops into bone chill if it occures in China mainland. really awesome to see such a social affair.
Benzrad Zhu
Re: @merriemarie nature response. hope China mainland sooner sees the spectacular.
Benzrad Zhu
RT @merriemarie The Most Amazing Chapters of American History Were Written in the Last Seconds Before Midnight"Dependency, unemployment, economic contraction, and socialist politics are a perpetual-motion engine of national decline."
the author obviously serious about the change and its result in nowadays US, and hold strong the conservative American value. that's quite on the point.
Benzrad Zhu
Re: @merriemarie profound precaution which should be treated seriously. Obama can't evade the probe of American soul guardian.
end of socialism China mainland.
by be21zh, bring China abreast 21 Century with democracy
all shits of Chinese most notorious hungry predator, bureaucracy. common Chinese live in danger of being eaten everyday for thousands years, that's why Chinese grossly so docile and shabbily cheap&cheating.; but in this century, the people of China will see its light under God's shine, secure and free, for God sees the innocent among sinful Chinese, for the coming improved modern society, for the glory of freedom of western culture esp. in America. for the endangered spice of handicapped Chinese in enduring and hard working, like Chinese peasants. via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉
a bright new workday morng. God lets me post my life again. see more freedom in balance. read latest blog about last week's reuniting with baby son.
Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉
Chinese lost in the failure of its traditional&native belief.
by Benzrad Zhu
without religion's help, Chinese hard to live with modern culture, in which Chinese traditional faith nothing but a failure. world belongs to Christian. without the Christian culture and social structural changes, world, esp. China, no way to stand in the merit of modern era. China, had to shift to new land of belief. that's its fate in new millennium.
Clipped from blog.tianya.cn香港人际关系冷漠 母亲与孩子一起自杀频发


From first rain in lunar 2010

From first rain in lunar 2010

From first rain in lunar 2010
for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

QRRS Dorms after rain.

street after rain.

full moon.
Monday, March 29, 2010
- 13:02 sunny day in idle, a rich experience. the last snow melting in this a bit boring bright noon. cared download which.. #
- 13:02 sunny day in idle, a rich experience.: #
- 13:14 [GReader Share]选择节能灯泡:INCs vs CFLs vs LEDs之对比 - #
- 15:07 [GReader Share]畅想2015 - #
- 15:09 [GReader Share]"赛风"(Psiphon)代理新网址 - #
- 15:14 [GReader Share]最先预言:国外免费兴旺,国内衰落,杀毒软件――惧怕电脑及网络监控 - #
- 10:23 a week reserved for watching.: #
- 10:23 a week reserved for watching. #
- 10:28 benzrad blog a week reserved for watching, echoing with my girl.: 28/3/2010 a week at watch.^this week i almost k... #
- 10:40 blogging after threats from dar k sector. #
- 10:40 blogging after threats from dark sector. #
- 10:40 blogging after threats from dark sector.: #
- 11:03 a sunny morning now, even whiter with snow heap... #
- 11:03 a bright new workday morng. God lets me post my life again. see more freedom in balance. read latest blog about las... #
follow benzrad at twitter
a week reserved for watching, echoing with my girl.
a week at watch.^this week i almost kept mute, abiding God's rule, and in favor of my girl zhou. it has been 2 days in sequence in brilliant sunshine, let me enjoyed flying with breeze so far. yesterday i visit baby as he lets, reinstalled his favorite game, "Cloudy.with.a.Chance.of.Meatballs", and some new games just got from web. when i arrived, he was writing his homework, and asked me to play the game on my own while he watched aside. he likely a bit reluctant to be attracted or immersed in the game. so cute&understandable child. he surely sensed the heavy load of competent among nowadays Chinese education. he is just can't be more smarter. after i finished games' setup, he started to play games. his mom, emakingir, cooked us remnant of their last meal, lamb chops, and its real lamb chops i almost first time ate, and really satisfied me. when i busy with backup dvds, fine tuned family sites' bookmarks against China surveillance, baby was brought by his mom haunted outside for sunburn. baby accepted my camera. baby's mom, emakingir, reluctant to shot photos, and indeed shot some photos in which baby's image all small. after they returned, i introduced new feature extension of google browser, chrome, to ema, and she gladly shown interest on domestic microblogs, even promised digging on them coming years. i then went to shower and haircut, both let me relaxed. bought baby sugar gourd&icecream. the grocer talked about deposit for their baby's higher education, which let me assured no one on the earth more glorious or richer than my baby son, warrenzh, owner of domain, Hope of China, God of Universe. when baby eating the gourd while watching animation online, i held him on my laptop and exchanged our view on Heaven, family duty, and our bandage. i at a rush to prepare leaving, but exact the moment with baby on my laptop, i felt the world so peaceful and boundless rich. on way to bus stop, God let me take taxi to return my dorm, and 2 taxies just porting on the bus stop which is empty. the taxi i picked equipped with a powerful audio system, which let me phrase it to the driver. in the restaurant i haunted several times recently for Chinese food, esp. rice, i was served a Japanese bean curd. the little restaurant changed owner, while the cook was remained. i promised to taste its new feature dish, fried ducks' heads, next time.
this morning i got up around 9am, went to office at once. China surveillance sniffing my surfing more closely, any sites i visited need twice refresh before it appears. google was blocked but sometimes working again. baby's desktop strangely can't play online movies, but soon resumed to work when i directing baby's mom how to diagnose the problem on the phone. after the only meal near 4pm, i haunted outside for last sunshine of the day, also brought some orange for birds in the dorms area. the early spring urges more leisure people outside for refreshment. the full moon these days appears earlier than usual, assured me more closer my task here to my destiny. after i settled in dorm and started to log expense, God let me know i can blog again to satisfy my beloved, as well as my job here on the earth. its really lovable moment these days in a week.

From life as it extends

From life as it extends

From life as it extends
for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲( ), Hope of China, riding in Qiqihar southern park.

baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, talked with his mom, emakingir, in southern park at noon.

the full early moon, from view on QRRS main road, near benzrad's office.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
- 09:21 visited baby son yesteray. visited baby in his mom's house. install games for baby, including old ones, update fam.. #
- 09:21 visited baby son yesteray.: #
follow benzrad at twitter
Saturday, March 27, 2010
- 17:43 [GReader Share]我们还在继续 - #
- 17:43 [GReader Share]Google退出中国成定局,抹黑行动开始 - #
follow benzrad at twitter
Friday, March 26, 2010
- 14:38 benzrad's comment on Hu, tiger,fox,dog,Guan,Ru on Mar 25,2010 #
- 14:38 benzrad's comment on Hu, tiger,fox,dog,Guan,Ru on Mar 25,2010: #
- 14:38 benzrad's comment on Hu, tiger,fox,dog,Guan,Ru on Mar 25,2010 #
- 14:41 RT @tuotoo 五胡乱华,五毛乱华 极为深刻,胡毛一家清fox&hair originally akin with Siberia tiger, all hungry predators, like Confucianist or its students, bureaus #
- 16:45 [GReader Share]日本的地沟油去了哪里? - #
- 16:53 the rotten core of China nowadays. #
- 16:53 the rotten core of China nowadays.: #
- 16:53 the rotten core of China nowadays. #
- 17:12 benzrad blog benzrad's comments on web on Mar 25,2010: the rotten core of China nowadays. by benzrad ... #
- 17:35 Re: @merriemarie Americ a not for blanket of troubles, but for power and hero of actions, in my view. #
- 17:41 Re: @merriemarie American gathering power of resource in the wane of its world leader role in democratic party leader, #
follow benzrad at twitter
nice work!
google apps has lots hideous functions to explore.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
benzrad's comments on web on Mar 25,2010
the rotten core of China nowadays.
by benzrad Chinese social system full scale bankrupted. no credit among Chinese, nor among Chinese enterprise, which even worse than individual for the heavier shell of group. China as a society under current social political structure only a way leads out: total collapse. Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
benzrad's comment on Hu, tiger,fox,dog,Guan,Ru on Mar 25,2010
by benzrad RT @tuotoo 古有五胡乱华,现今五毛乱华 RT @Arctosia 极为深刻,胡毛一家清。quite insightful, fox and hair originally akin with Siberia tiger, all hungry predators, like Confucianist or its students, bureaucracy. Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
dark China&Chinese
by benzrad anyone talking about China now in no obligation to refer Chinese traditional dogma, its indeed died since Ming Dynasty, after Chinese with real insight saw its false&harms to China since its birth. Chinese Confucian in fact a terror response upon terrorist, by self-destruction. Chinese live in dark for thousand years in fears. only God's shine saves Chinese who had to align with Christian. China in its best, is a fake chaos. only clear and strong discipline makes it right. Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
the rotten core of China nowadays.
Chinese social system full scale bankrupted. no credit among Chinese, nor among Chinese enterprise, which even worse than individual for the heavier shell of group. China as a society under current social political structure only a way leads out: total collapse.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)
- 16:48 [GReader Share]Tor考虑默认启用网桥 - #
- 09:32 [GReader Share]不义之财 - FT中文网 - #
- 09:46 dark China&Chinese #
- 09:46 dark China&Chinese #
- 09:46 dark China&Chinese: #
- 10:54 [GReader Share]Gmail新功能:一旦发现帐户异常活动会报告给你 - < a href=""> #
- 11:08 [GReader Share]Synaptics驱动为老本触控板带来多点触控 - #
follow benzrad at twitter
dark China&Chinese
anyone talking about China now in no obligation to refer Chinese traditional dogma, its indeed died since Ming Dynasty, after Chinese with real insight saw its false&harms to China since its birth. Chinese Confucian in fact a terror response upon terrorist, by self-destruction. Chinese live in dark for thousand years in fears. only God's shine saves Chinese who had to align with Christian.
China in its best, is a fake chaos. only clear and strong discipline makes it right.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
- 13:31 [GReader Share]Mashable's Google Wave API Challenge: 3 of the Best New Extensions - #
- 13:34 [GReader Share]140 Reasons We Love Twitter - #
- 13:34 [GReader Share]4 Ways Non-Profits Can Use Google Buzz - #
- 13:36 [GReader Share]The Small Business Guide to Google Apps - #
- 13:39 [GReader Share]Sending or receiving email with Rails? Easy - #
- 13:58 not easy a full user experience in decades with sns, but this is. #
- 13:58 not easy a full user experience in decades with sns, but this is.: #
- 13:58 not easy a full user experience in decades with sns, but this is. #
- 14:09 [GReader Share]Google退出中国成定局,抹黑行动开始 - #
- 14:09 [GReader Share]Google退出中国成定局,抹黑行动开始 | 可能吧 - #
- 08:53 [GReader Share]我们还在继续 - #
- 09:47 [GReader Share]Negotiating in China: Mystique of Madness | Chinese Negotiation - #
- 10:59 [GReader Share]全球20大博客背后的虚拟主机 - #
follow benzrad at twitter
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
benzrad's comments on web on Mar 22-23,2010
not easy a full user experience in decades with sns, but this is.
by benzrad not easy all one got full experience as a heavy user of digital social media online, but this one has his consolidate insight. that assures me, the future not on facebook, which closer cooperates with microsoft for easy money, but google, who with a dearer or cuter sense of civilian publication. the world belongs more to sharing and opening, belongs to democracy worldwide. the world belongs to education, non-profit, and common wealth. the world belongs to google which summon the peripherals in one goal: let information easy accessible, that's God's will&bliss for the world in troubles. Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
strong conclusion, insightful view.
by benzrad the formative assertion: even formative the rule of conservation. world should listen the voice, less evade the trouble of China. Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
born theft Chinese on mainland.
by benzrad Chinese native religion, Tsao, the same syllabus as theft, indicating its culture. Chinese these years' progress, no one don't based the resource of the open world, while its authority hated&tried its best to uncover the fact. now it besieged by due date it repent, and tumor of swallowing fruits un-nature, but its authority, the biggest and most brutal theft in the peaceful world, tried its best to kick on western corps in China&spilt dirty water on the painted scapegoat. Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.
by benzrad not down with google China, but China down without google. that's never surer than since now. with google, the world of democracy&human right assured, without google, China shut down with its all business supporting puffing Chinese sooner than the sandstorm, the threat Beijing encountered. without the world google leads, China like the dying dynasty it lost hundreds ago again, like a real paper tiger which survives now in cage of its zoo. without world of western, China sin&sick, and sinks into abnormal&suicide sooner than opium war brought a century ago. China, essentially in a fate to repent. Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
google, the choice toward future society.
not easy all one got full experience as a heavy user of digital social media online, but this one has his consolidate insight. that assures me, the future not on facebook, which closer cooperates with microsoft for easy money, but google, who with a dearer or cuter sense of civilian publication. the world belongs more to sharing and opening, belongs to democracy worldwide. the world belongs to education, non-profit, and common wealth. the world belongs to google which summon the peripherals in one goal: let information easy accessible, that's God's will&bliss for the world in troubles.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)
- 11:13 [GReader Share]98MB的Quirky Linux 0.1 - #
- 11:20 [GReader Share]Speccy 1.00.125 Beta 释出――新增网络设备检测 - #
- 13:48 [GReader Share]Google,等你回来 - #
- 13:59 healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land. #
- 13:59 healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land. #
- 13:59 healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.: #
- 14:07 benzrad blog healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.: not down with google China, but Ch... #
- 14:43 born theft Chinese on mainland. #
- 14:43 born theft Chinese on mainland. #
- 14:43 born theft Chinese on mainland.: #
- 14:47 [GReader Share]CrazyUpload 支援單檔1GB的免費上傳空間 - #
- 17:12 strong conclusion, insightful view. #
- 17:12 strong conclusion, insightful view. #
- 17:12 strong conclusion, insightful view.: #
follow benzrad at twitter
Monday, March 22, 2010
strong conclusion, insightful view.
the formative assertion: even formative the rule of conservation.
world should listen the voice, less evade the trouble of China.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)
Chinese born theft.
Chinese native religion, Tsao, the same syllabus as theft, indicating its culture. Chinese these years' progress, no one don't based the resource of the open world, while its authority hated&tried its best to uncover the fact. now it besieged by due date it repent, and tumor of swallowing fruits un-nature, but its authority, the biggest and most brutal theft in the peaceful world, tried its best to kick on western corps in China&spilt dirty water on the painted scapegoat.
in reference to: "How China Is Playing Catchup With International Companies"
- (view on Google Sidewiki)
healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.
not down with google China, but China down without google. that's never surer than since now.
with google, the world of democracy&human right assured, without google, China shut down with its all business supporting puffing Chinese sooner than the sandstorm, the threat Beijing encountered. without the world google leads, China like the dying dynasty it lost hundreds ago again, like a real paper tiger which survives now in cage of its zoo. without world of western, China sin&sick, and sinks into abnormal&suicide sooner than opium war brought a century ago. China, essentially in a fate to repent.
in reference to: "Google,等你回来 March 20, 2010 – 9:09 pm"
- (view on Google Sidewiki)
healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.
not down with google China, but China down without google. that's never surer than since now.
with google, the world of democracy&human right assured, without google, China shut down with its all business sooner than the sandstorm, the threat Beijing encountered.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)
- 09:06 [GReader Share]谷歌需要遵守中国的哪部法? - #
- 10:51 [GReader Share]Windows7 XP Mode 去除CPU硬件限制升级补丁下载:让任何电脑都能用! - #
follow benzrad at twitter
Saturday, March 20, 2010
- 17:00 [GReader Share]纽约时报专栏:保罗·克鲁格曼:跟中国及其货币单挑 - #
- 17:48 daily comments by benzrad on Mar 19,2010: #
- 17:48 daily comments by benzrad on Mar 19,2010 #
follow benzrad at twitter
Friday, March 19, 2010
daily comments by Benzrad on Mar 19,2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
China will bury the world with its disaster of long time dictation.
China will bury the world with its disaster which itself can't cure, sinks the docile world community with its handicapped social political architecture long time fed a impotent while unconstrained dictation up.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki) Posted by benzrad zhu朱子卓 at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Links to this post
memories for the last young lives.
kill bureaucracy, dog system that dominating nowadays China mainland.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki) Posted by benzrad zhu朱子卓 at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Links to this post
shit&down soon with microsoft&apple.
anyone cooperates with China authority nowadays, anyone down to hell. God saves the bright, including google.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki) Posted by benzrad zhu朱子卓 at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Links to this post
Never down Google!
spreads God's message, unites world in one God's shine, that's source of forever power of Google. grows healthily google! for ur republic, is the future social architecture.
in reference to:,2000085675,20144683,00.htm (view on Google Sidewiki)
China will bury the world with its disaster of long time dictation.
China will bury the world with its disaster which itself can't cure, sinks the docile world community with its handicapped social political architecture long time fed a impotent while unconstrained dictation up.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)
memories for the last young lives.
kill bureaucracy, dog system that dominating nowadays China mainland.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)
shit&down soon with microsoft&apple.
anyone cooperates with China authority nowadays, anyone down to hell. God saves the bright, including google.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)
Never down Google!
spreads God's message, unites world in one God's shine, that's source of forever power of Google. grows healthily google! for ur republic, is the future social architecture.
in reference to:,2000085675,20144683,00.htm (view on Google Sidewiki)
- 13:25 [GReader Share]又一款 Gmail 联系人增强插件 Etacts - #
- 17:18 [GReader Share]Web 设计与开发终极资源大全(上) - #
- 17:18 [GReader Share]Web 设计与开发终极资源大全(下) - #
- 17:42 [GReader Share]分析:Google的Nexus One智能手机算是失败吗? - #
- 17:44 [GReader Share]《纽约时报》:苹果与谷歌反目成仇背后――大佬的暗战 - #
- 18:23 [GReader Share]洗脑秘笈十八招三式 - #
- 18:24 [GReader Share]让数字来说明事实:谁在垄断中国 - #
- 08:54 benzrad blog days in driving light.: 18/3/2010bright day with rich dinner.^slept lately. dreamed but forgot conten... #
- 08:54 days in driving light.: #
- 08:55 days in driving light. #
- 08:56 days in driving light. #
- 09:08 #
- 09:09 Untitled #
- 09:09 Untitled: #
- 10:59 [GReader Share]cFos Software 集体Final - #
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Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉
a bright new workday morng. God lets me post my life again. see more freedom in balance. read latest blog about last week's reuniting with baby son.
Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉
Chinese lost in the failure of its traditional&native belief.
without religion's help, Chinese hard to live with modern culture, in which Chinese traditional faith nothing but a failure. world belongs to Christian. without the Christian culture and social structural changes, world, esp. China, no way to stand in the merit of modern era. China, had to shift to new land of belief. that's its fate in new millennium.
香港人际关系冷漠 母亲与孩子一起自杀频发
From first rain in lunar 2010 |
From first rain in lunar 2010 |
From first rain in lunar 2010 |

QRRS Dorms after rain.

street after rain.

full moon.
Monday, March 29, 2010
- 13:02 sunny day in idle, a rich experience. the last snow melting in this a bit boring bright noon. cared download which.. #
- 13:02 sunny day in idle, a rich experience.: #
- 13:14 [GReader Share]选择节能灯泡:INCs vs CFLs vs LEDs之对比 - #
- 15:07 [GReader Share]畅想2015 - #
- 15:09 [GReader Share]"赛风"(Psiphon)代理新网址 - #
- 15:14 [GReader Share]最先预言:国外免费兴旺,国内衰落,杀毒软件――惧怕电脑及网络监控 - #
- 10:23 a week reserved for watching.: #
- 10:23 a week reserved for watching. #
- 10:28 benzrad blog a week reserved for watching, echoing with my girl.: 28/3/2010 a week at watch.^this week i almost k... #
- 10:40 blogging after threats from dar k sector. #
- 10:40 blogging after threats from dark sector. #
- 10:40 blogging after threats from dark sector.: #
- 11:03 a sunny morning now, even whiter with snow heap... #
- 11:03 a bright new workday morng. God lets me post my life again. see more freedom in balance. read latest blog about las... #
a week reserved for watching, echoing with my girl.
a week at watch.^this week i almost kept mute, abiding God's rule, and in favor of my girl zhou. it has been 2 days in sequence in brilliant sunshine, let me enjoyed flying with breeze so far. yesterday i visit baby as he lets, reinstalled his favorite game, "Cloudy.with.a.Chance.of.Meatballs", and some new games just got from web. when i arrived, he was writing his homework, and asked me to play the game on my own while he watched aside. he likely a bit reluctant to be attracted or immersed in the game. so cute&understandable child. he surely sensed the heavy load of competent among nowadays Chinese education. he is just can't be more smarter. after i finished games' setup, he started to play games. his mom, emakingir, cooked us remnant of their last meal, lamb chops, and its real lamb chops i almost first time ate, and really satisfied me. when i busy with backup dvds, fine tuned family sites' bookmarks against China surveillance, baby was brought by his mom haunted outside for sunburn. baby accepted my camera. baby's mom, emakingir, reluctant to shot photos, and indeed shot some photos in which baby's image all small. after they returned, i introduced new feature extension of google browser, chrome, to ema, and she gladly shown interest on domestic microblogs, even promised digging on them coming years. i then went to shower and haircut, both let me relaxed. bought baby sugar gourd&icecream. the grocer talked about deposit for their baby's higher education, which let me assured no one on the earth more glorious or richer than my baby son, warrenzh, owner of domain, Hope of China, God of Universe. when baby eating the gourd while watching animation online, i held him on my laptop and exchanged our view on Heaven, family duty, and our bandage. i at a rush to prepare leaving, but exact the moment with baby on my laptop, i felt the world so peaceful and boundless rich. on way to bus stop, God let me take taxi to return my dorm, and 2 taxies just porting on the bus stop which is empty. the taxi i picked equipped with a powerful audio system, which let me phrase it to the driver. in the restaurant i haunted several times recently for Chinese food, esp. rice, i was served a Japanese bean curd. the little restaurant changed owner, while the cook was remained. i promised to taste its new feature dish, fried ducks' heads, next time.this morning i got up around 9am, went to office at once. China surveillance sniffing my surfing more closely, any sites i visited need twice refresh before it appears. google was blocked but sometimes working again. baby's desktop strangely can't play online movies, but soon resumed to work when i directing baby's mom how to diagnose the problem on the phone. after the only meal near 4pm, i haunted outside for last sunshine of the day, also brought some orange for birds in the dorms area. the early spring urges more leisure people outside for refreshment. the full moon these days appears earlier than usual, assured me more closer my task here to my destiny. after i settled in dorm and started to log expense, God let me know i can blog again to satisfy my beloved, as well as my job here on the earth. its really lovable moment these days in a week.
From life as it extends |
From life as it extends |
From life as it extends |

baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲( ), Hope of China, riding in Qiqihar southern park.

baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, talked with his mom, emakingir, in southern park at noon.

the full early moon, from view on QRRS main road, near benzrad's office.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
- 09:21 visited baby son yesteray. visited baby in his mom's house. install games for baby, including old ones, update fam.. #
- 09:21 visited baby son yesteray.: #
Saturday, March 27, 2010
- 17:43 [GReader Share]我们还在继续 - #
- 17:43 [GReader Share]Google退出中国成定局,抹黑行动开始 - #
Friday, March 26, 2010
- 14:38 benzrad's comment on Hu, tiger,fox,dog,Guan,Ru on Mar 25,2010 #
- 14:38 benzrad's comment on Hu, tiger,fox,dog,Guan,Ru on Mar 25,2010: #
- 14:38 benzrad's comment on Hu, tiger,fox,dog,Guan,Ru on Mar 25,2010 #
- 14:41 RT @tuotoo 五胡乱华,五毛乱华 极为深刻,胡毛一家清fox&hair originally akin with Siberia tiger, all hungry predators, like Confucianist or its students, bureaus #
- 16:45 [GReader Share]日本的地沟油去了哪里? - #
- 16:53 the rotten core of China nowadays. #
- 16:53 the rotten core of China nowadays.: #
- 16:53 the rotten core of China nowadays. #
- 17:12 benzrad blog benzrad's comments on web on Mar 25,2010: the rotten core of China nowadays. by benzrad ... #
- 17:35 Re: @merriemarie Americ a not for blanket of troubles, but for power and hero of actions, in my view. #
- 17:41 Re: @merriemarie American gathering power of resource in the wane of its world leader role in democratic party leader, #
nice work!
google apps has lots hideous functions to explore.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Thursday, March 25, 2010
benzrad's comments on web on Mar 25,2010
the rotten core of China nowadays.
by benzrad Chinese social system full scale bankrupted. no credit among Chinese, nor among Chinese enterprise, which even worse than individual for the heavier shell of group. China as a society under current social political structure only a way leads out: total collapse. Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
benzrad's comment on Hu, tiger,fox,dog,Guan,Ru on Mar 25,2010
by benzrad RT @tuotoo 古有五胡乱华,现今五毛乱华 RT @Arctosia 极为深刻,胡毛一家清。quite insightful, fox and hair originally akin with Siberia tiger, all hungry predators, like Confucianist or its students, bureaucracy. Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
dark China&Chinese
the rotten core of China nowadays.
Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
benzrad's comment on Hu, tiger,fox,dog,Guan,Ru on Mar 25,2010
Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
the rotten core of China nowadays.
Chinese social system full scale bankrupted. no credit among Chinese, nor among Chinese enterprise, which even worse than individual for the heavier shell of group. China as a society under current social political structure only a way leads out: total collapse.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)- 16:48 [GReader Share]Tor考虑默认启用网桥 - #
- 09:32 [GReader Share]不义之财 - FT中文网 - #
- 09:46 dark China&Chinese #
- 09:46 dark China&Chinese #
- 09:46 dark China&Chinese: #
- 10:54 [GReader Share]Gmail新功能:一旦发现帐户异常活动会报告给你 - < a href=""> #
- 11:08 [GReader Share]Synaptics驱动为老本触控板带来多点触控 - #
dark China&Chinese
anyone talking about China now in no obligation to refer Chinese traditional dogma, its indeed died since Ming Dynasty, after Chinese with real insight saw its false&harms to China since its birth. Chinese Confucian in fact a terror response upon terrorist, by self-destruction. Chinese live in dark for thousand years in fears. only God's shine saves Chinese who had to align with Christian.
China in its best, is a fake chaos. only clear and strong discipline makes it right.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
- 13:31 [GReader Share]Mashable's Google Wave API Challenge: 3 of the Best New Extensions - #
- 13:34 [GReader Share]140 Reasons We Love Twitter - #
- 13:34 [GReader Share]4 Ways Non-Profits Can Use Google Buzz - #
- 13:36 [GReader Share]The Small Business Guide to Google Apps - #
- 13:39 [GReader Share]Sending or receiving email with Rails? Easy - #
- 13:58 not easy a full user experience in decades with sns, but this is. #
- 13:58 not easy a full user experience in decades with sns, but this is.: #
- 13:58 not easy a full user experience in decades with sns, but this is. #
- 14:09 [GReader Share]Google退出中国成定局,抹黑行动开始 - #
- 14:09 [GReader Share]Google退出中国成定局,抹黑行动开始 | 可能吧 - #
- 08:53 [GReader Share]我们还在继续 - #
- 09:47 [GReader Share]Negotiating in China: Mystique of Madness | Chinese Negotiation - #
- 10:59 [GReader Share]全球20大博客背后的虚拟主机 - #
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
benzrad's comments on web on Mar 22-23,2010
not easy a full user experience in decades with sns, but this is.
by benzrad not easy all one got full experience as a heavy user of digital social media online, but this one has his consolidate insight. that assures me, the future not on facebook, which closer cooperates with microsoft for easy money, but google, who with a dearer or cuter sense of civilian publication. the world belongs more to sharing and opening, belongs to democracy worldwide. the world belongs to education, non-profit, and common wealth. the world belongs to google which summon the peripherals in one goal: let information easy accessible, that's God's will&bliss for the world in troubles. Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
strong conclusion, insightful view.
Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
born theft Chinese on mainland.
Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.
Posted via web from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉
google, the choice toward future society.
not easy all one got full experience as a heavy user of digital social media online, but this one has his consolidate insight. that assures me, the future not on facebook, which closer cooperates with microsoft for easy money, but google, who with a dearer or cuter sense of civilian publication. the world belongs more to sharing and opening, belongs to democracy worldwide. the world belongs to education, non-profit, and common wealth. the world belongs to google which summon the peripherals in one goal: let information easy accessible, that's God's will&bliss for the world in troubles.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)- 11:13 [GReader Share]98MB的Quirky Linux 0.1 - #
- 11:20 [GReader Share]Speccy 1.00.125 Beta 释出――新增网络设备检测 - #
- 13:48 [GReader Share]Google,等你回来 - #
- 13:59 healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land. #
- 13:59 healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land. #
- 13:59 healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.: #
- 14:07 benzrad blog healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.: not down with google China, but Ch... #
- 14:43 born theft Chinese on mainland. #
- 14:43 born theft Chinese on mainland. #
- 14:43 born theft Chinese on mainland.: #
- 14:47 [GReader Share]CrazyUpload 支援單檔1GB的免費上傳空間 - #
- 17:12 strong conclusion, insightful view. #
- 17:12 strong conclusion, insightful view. #
- 17:12 strong conclusion, insightful view.: #
Monday, March 22, 2010
strong conclusion, insightful view.
the formative assertion: even formative the rule of conservation.
world should listen the voice, less evade the trouble of China.
Chinese born theft.
Chinese native religion, Tsao, the same syllabus as theft, indicating its culture. Chinese these years' progress, no one don't based the resource of the open world, while its authority hated&tried its best to uncover the fact. now it besieged by due date it repent, and tumor of swallowing fruits un-nature, but its authority, the biggest and most brutal theft in the peaceful world, tried its best to kick on western corps in China&spilt dirty water on the painted scapegoat.
in reference to:"How China Is Playing Catchup With International Companies"
- (view on Google Sidewiki)
healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.
not down with google China, but China down without google. that's never surer than since now.
with google, the world of democracy&human right assured, without google, China shut down with its all business supporting puffing Chinese sooner than the sandstorm, the threat Beijing encountered. without the world google leads, China like the dying dynasty it lost hundreds ago again, like a real paper tiger which survives now in cage of its zoo. without world of western, China sin&sick, and sinks into abnormal&suicide sooner than opium war brought a century ago. China, essentially in a fate to repent.
"Google,等你回来 March 20, 2010 – 9:09 pm"
- (view on Google Sidewiki)
healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.
not down with google China, but China down without google. that's never surer than since now.
with google, the world of democracy&human right assured, without google, China shut down with its all business sooner than the sandstorm, the threat Beijing encountered.
- 09:06 [GReader Share]谷歌需要遵守中国的哪部法? - #
- 10:51 [GReader Share]Windows7 XP Mode 去除CPU硬件限制升级补丁下载:让任何电脑都能用! - #
Saturday, March 20, 2010
- 17:00 [GReader Share]纽约时报专栏:保罗·克鲁格曼:跟中国及其货币单挑 - #
- 17:48 daily comments by benzrad on Mar 19,2010: #
- 17:48 daily comments by benzrad on Mar 19,2010 #
Friday, March 19, 2010
daily comments by Benzrad on Mar 19,2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
China will bury the world with its disaster of long time dictation.
China will bury the world with its disaster which itself can't cure, sinks the docile world community with its handicapped social political architecture long time fed a impotent while unconstrained dictation up.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)memories for the last young lives.
kill bureaucracy, dog system that dominating nowadays China mainland.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)shit&down soon with microsoft&apple.
anyone cooperates with China authority nowadays, anyone down to hell. God saves the bright, including google.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Never down Google!
spreads God's message, unites world in one God's shine, that's source of forever power of Google. grows healthily google! for ur republic, is the future social architecture.
in reference to:,2000085675,20144683,00.htm (view on Google Sidewiki)China will bury the world with its disaster of long time dictation.
China will bury the world with its disaster which itself can't cure, sinks the docile world community with its handicapped social political architecture long time fed a impotent while unconstrained dictation up.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)memories for the last young lives.
kill bureaucracy, dog system that dominating nowadays China mainland.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)shit&down soon with microsoft&apple.
anyone cooperates with China authority nowadays, anyone down to hell. God saves the bright, including google.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Never down Google!
spreads God's message, unites world in one God's shine, that's source of forever power of Google. grows healthily google! for ur republic, is the future social architecture.
in reference to:,2000085675,20144683,00.htm (view on Google Sidewiki)- 13:25 [GReader Share]又一款 Gmail 联系人增强插件 Etacts - #
- 17:18 [GReader Share]Web 设计与开发终极资源大全(上) - #
- 17:18 [GReader Share]Web 设计与开发终极资源大全(下) - #
- 17:42 [GReader Share]分析:Google的Nexus One智能手机算是失败吗? - #
- 17:44 [GReader Share]《纽约时报》:苹果与谷歌反目成仇背后――大佬的暗战 - #
- 18:23 [GReader Share]洗脑秘笈十八招三式 - #
- 18:24 [GReader Share]让数字来说明事实:谁在垄断中国 - #
- 08:54 benzrad blog days in driving light.: 18/3/2010bright day with rich dinner.^slept lately. dreamed but forgot conten... #
- 08:54 days in driving light.: #
- 08:55 days in driving light. #
- 08:56 days in driving light. #
- 09:08 #
- 09:09 Untitled #
- 09:09 Untitled: #
- 10:59 [GReader Share]cFos Software 集体Final - #