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Monday, May 31, 2010

  • 12:13 [GReader Share]New Tab Redirect Turns Chrome's New Tab Page Into Any Page You Want [Downloads] - goo.gl/lI09 #
  • 13:13 [GReader Share]20 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed - goo.gl/QcbN #
  • 13:15 [GReader Share]The Future of Web Fonts - goo.gl/XzcK #
  • 13:20 [GReader Share]360参与GFW的证据 - goo.gl/94av #
  • 20:52 [GReader Share]Norton DNS 提供更快更安全的DNS - goo.gl/KfvD #
  • 20:54 [GReader Share][趣图]Internet的一天 - goo.gl/TkRA #
  • 22:00 girl students in village tested me for appealing. last night felt dirt around before sleep. this morning felt slee.. htxt.it/l/ilRIsC #
  • 22:00 girl students in village tested me for appealing.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kV #
follow benzrad at twitter

Sunday, May 30, 2010

  • 11:47 cloudy morning. treated visiting kids. 2 groups of village kids visited dad's house when i still on bed. got up&tr.. htxt.it/l/BvIxT6 #
  • 11:47 cloudy morning. treated visiting kids.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kS #
  • 13:24 mother cooked 糍粑, very delicious. just got recent photos backup to my flickr account. sang&got sunburn in rece.. htxt.it/l/j01urk #
  • 13:24 mother cooked 糍粑: wp.me/p2Dmc-kT #
  • 17:45 [GReader Share]Soundation:在线音频处理应用 - goo.gl/KEXZ #
  • 21:46 clouds turned into sunshine afternoon. mother cooked 糍粑, very delicious. just got recent photos backup to my f.. htxt.it/l/CZwfj8 #
  • 21:46 clouds turned into sunshine afternoon.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kU #
  • 07:38 [GReader Share]生成多个 Chrome 账户配置文件的小工具,ChromeDeck - goo.gl/XysJ #
  • 08:26 [GReader Share]提交博客到搜索引擎博客搜索 - goo.gl/mOrj #
follow benzrad at twitter

Saturday, May 29, 2010

  • 11:14 [GReader Share]青春 - goo.gl/UCbR #
  • 11:26 benzrad blog weeping rain after flashing sunshines, Masheng missing me.: this is a serene morning, after a raining... bit.ly/cug4Qu #
  • 11:31 brewing love&missing in rain day again after sunshines by Masheng, my Crowned Queen of Japan.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kQ #
  • 11:31 brewing love&missing in rain day again after sunshines by Masheng, my Crowned Queen of Japan. post.ly/hdJN #
  • 11:38 brewing love&missing in rain day again after sunshines by Masheng, my Crowned Queen of Japan. amplify.com/u/6gpj #
  • 15:02 [GReader Share]Chrome 扩展:匿名模式切换器 - goo.gl/Mc8Y #
  • 15:03 [GReader Share]让 Google 快照也使用 SSL 链接的两个方法 - goo.gl/Zuod #
  • 15:38 rtmeme: RT @Edourdoo RT @hutianyi: 越看富士康的事情,越觉得这次媒体基本上采用了一种最不好的方式在报道:1.不深究每个自杀者具体的情况,粗放地用"第N跳"概括,最后弄得大家像看刷分破纪录似的看报道。 #
  • 15:51 rtmeme: RT @snljlw RT @foxmulder y: 今天人民日报:中方向美国承诺,将完善国民收入分配格局,逐渐增加居民收入占国民收入的比重。加强社会保障体系建设,改革垄断行业。 我终于明白了谁在代表中国最广大人民群众的根本利益。 #
  • 21:26 a blessing rainning day. prepared&posted a blog entry to include recent photos, done till after lunch. read. secur.. htxt.it/l/V4rFVk #
  • 21:26 a blessing rainning day.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kR #
follow benzrad at twitter

Friday, May 28, 2010

weeping rain after flashing sunshines, Masheng missing me.

this is a serene morning, after a raining night. its lunar Apr 15, so lots of crackers in dawn by villagers memorising their ancestors. i was deeply concerning the portable hard disk God grants me previously. i asked for lean from my youngest elder sister, she promised but so far didn't inform me when i can get it. sinful eldest brother approached me by the excuse of talking his daughter in college in Wuhan, and sat on my stool and profaned quite some moments. i sang for joys after published recent photos. God, dad, Masheng, when is my new marriage that brings me harmony never seen?

below is recent tweets&comments by benzrad, 朱子卓.


baby's birthday ignored by his mom.^read most day. dozed at noon but woke up by 2 visiting old women in the village. shown them online album for one of them shot by me previously. arranged downloading after dinner then haunted outside. shot some photos in front plaza. chatted with an villager once worked in the county city. baby's mom, emakingir, tentatively ignored baby's birthday today, abiding her mother's freaky picking baby's birthday annually by comparing lunar calendar with Gregorian calendar. shits!

sick and sin of mother.^read all day. mother fetched the granddaughter-in-law of my elder brother, a Hu, who is about 2 years old and likely lack of affection, to home to care, for elder brother family busy with field harvest. cared download. at noon got the idea that equipped myself with a portable harddisk. buzzed my youngest elder sister&got her promise of lend me the money. mother complained of sick of too many shits, bought some medicine late afternoon. i haunted outside after dinner, chatted with a worker of state grid but lives in the village. mother again surveillance me&urged me to return home early when i in chat. in night her sick view of personal affection or love shown itself, which quite sinful as God informed me already, to me. God, dad, i never waste a second on the dark in my mother's soul, i linger here for u, for my new life with my girls, esp. girl zhou, my 3rd wife, and my second wife, Masheng, never let me fail in peace on ur lovable land, Zhudajiu village.

Benzrad's comment on May 26,2010
so acute the point!!!
by dabbog@gmail.com (benzrad zhu朱子卓)

China mainland nowadays no doubting falling into its last struggle against breaking apart. the dictation elite squad long time preparing for their exit, tried best to grasp more treasures with their corpses in tomb covered by earth. darkness by the evils already scattered by the original potential of Chinese, esp. the heavily handicapped Chinese peasants. China, never belongs to republic nor communist.

in reference to: http://www.oschina.net/news/9353?from=rss 
(view on Google Sidewiki)

haircut.^sleepy morning. haircut after breakfast, bu the visiting barber's razor let my upper lid bleeding. it drizzled in the morning. hope i can get my portable hardisk sooner.

raining day.^read all time. second time told mother God grants me no anxiousness with living (yesterday told her God grants the new portable harddisk.), to assure her to rip her usual doubts. she sinfully left dad's house at once in doubts, i also re-download a radio software to reconnect to bible radio. sleepy when i rest on long bench while listening preach in air, however, i managed on notebook, &finished following a talk program from the radio. God, Masheng, let me get my portable harddisk tomorrow in a sunny day, let me talk to baby&his mom, &fix her chrome sooner. Masheng, u asked for assignment, i know, pl bring my girl zhou, as well as my other girls under my Royal of China, join me in new marriage ahead in most blessed time or moment. 

raining night with remote support for baby's mom.^bathed to clean cut hairs. watched awhile TV till mother retreated from my room. help baby's mom, emakingir, to fix her frequently crashed chrome by equipping it with a new extension to backup/restore sessions, all done online. also tried new way to video chat, now that gtalk heavily lagging&echoes. told my coming new portable hard disk. it rains harder in night. i really love it.

benzrad's comment on May 27,2010


llp azxj - 老郭的鞠躬太牛了,每次一结束就跳,求你别鞠躬了,好好反思解决根本问题吧 11:58 am

benzrad zhu - young Chinese expressing deep desperation with their lives, in the face of deaf&dumbfound Chinese authority nowadays. 1:41 pm

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
发件人 Hometown Journey Ⅱ

for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

The front door of village hall, migrated from village's heritage.

a retired worker once lived in county city for a bus company, now lives in the village with his 2 sons&their families.

a oleander tree in blossom.

  • 15:38 raining day. read all time. second time told mother God grants me no anxiousnesswith living (yesterday told her Go.. htxt.it/l/UgIsoZ #
  • 15:38 raining day.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kO #
  • 21:22 raining night with remote support for baby's mom. bathed to clean cut hairs. watched awhile TV till mother retreat.. htxt.it/l/PQGxCB #
  • 21:22 raining night with remote support for baby's mom.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kP #
follow benzrad at twitter

Thursday, May 27, 2010

follow benzrad at twitter

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

  • 12:58 [GReader Share]ZhonePublic - goo.gl/jcx5 #
  • 21:22 baby's birthday ignored by his mom. read most day. dozed at noon but woke up by 2 visiting old women in the villag.. htxt.it/l/YIcEH8 #
  • 21:22 baby's birthday ignored by his mom.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kK #
  • 08:18 [GReader Share]Chrome 扩展:Auto Free Rapidshare - goo.gl/WmbB #
follow benzrad at twitter

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

so acute the point!!!

China mainland nowadays no doubting falling into its last struggle against breaking apart. the dictation elite squad long time preparing for their exit, tried best to grasp more treasures with their corpses in tumb covered by earth. darkness by the evils already scattered by the original potential of Chinese, esp. the heavily handicapped Chinese peasants. China, never belongs to republic nor communist.

in reference to: http://www.oschina.net/news/9353?from=rss (view on Google Sidewiki)
  • 12:42 [GReader Share]Google 收购 Simplify Media 以增强音乐同步功能 - goo.gl/3CLY #
  • 14:16 [GReader Share]Google网页字体在线服务,设计师的福音 - goo.gl/5DIQ try it late. #
  • 16:08 enjoy summer day now. read most time. neighbors' babble lets me doze, but hostile in the last woke me up. chatted .. htxt.it/l/lT7rxE #
  • 16:08 enjoy summer day now.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kH #
  • 22:10 talked with folks in dusk, refined profile online in night. visited village front plaza after d inner, which quite .. htxt.it/l/YDSe5q #
  • 22:10 talked with folks in dusk, refined profile online in night.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kI #
  • 10:30 benzrad blog enjoying hot summer days: benzrad's tweets before baby son's birthday.: 25/5/2010 baby's birthday t... bit.ly/a5V0eP #
  • 10:31 summer days shine me in anticipation. post.ly/hF5B #
  • 10:31 summer days shine me in anticipation.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kJ #
  • 10:40 a silent while busy work morning. post for baby's birthday today, with photos of his visiting cousin here. read ht... bit.ly/aokBaX #
  • 11:04 [GReader Share]百家之言:男人每天必吃食物 - goo.gl/JkOg #
follow benzrad at twitter

enjoying hot summer days: benzrad's tweets before baby son's birthday.


baby's birthday today.^dreamed&loathed to get up. its a peaceful bright morning. preparing blog posting since jon my workspace. last night talked to baby&his mom, emakingir, online, about my gift for baby son. i entrust ema to let baby choose his favorite cake, for which i offer a budget of ¥120-¥180, but ema said she is not sure if her timetable allows. baby, warrenzh, owner of domain warozhu.com, 朱楚甲, happy birthday!


sunny morning.^dreamed of fearfully managing to setup a business. dozed awhile after breakfast in the shallow of sunshine aside my workspace. read since then, in my local music.
enjoy summer day now.^read most time. neighbors' babble lets me doze, but hostile in the last woke me up. chatted with Taiwanese friend online. its second hot sunny day since rains. life in countryside brings me lots of time in still, when i can see God clearer.
talked with folks in dusk, refined profile online in night.^visited village front plaza after dinner, which quite satisfying me, met a villager once worked in the county city&treated me in his company's canteen. talked quite some topics. then haunted the front fish pond. returned&met mother half way, chatted with her friend, an almost blind woman whose husband once worked with my dad for the community in Mao's era. watched TV about snake at home, sensed the evil around. in the night check family knols, refined my plaxo profile. the neighbor, who building their new house, hosted noise villager drank there all time when i done.

23/5/2010 visiting sister-in-law&her son.^last night attempted to export baby son's mom, emakingir's wordpress blog, but failed many times. then wife&son of my kid brother visited. they now lives in the county city. treated the cousin with pc games. in the night busy with sorting personal settings of chrome while at same time trying exporting blog, went to bed after 10pm.
settled family blogs' export&import.^finally got family blogs export, via blogger&convert into wordpress' wxr format, by a online service at http://blogger2wordpress.appspot.com , imported into family clogs, esp. baby's mother, emakingir's at http://emakingir.amplify.com .really a blessing sunny morning. hope my work, cost me more than 8 hours, rewarding.
taught lessons for kids in my passed dad, God's shine.^treated visiting village kids with games. missing baby son in God's shine&buzzed him. told his mom my works on blog importing for her. mother cooked a rich lunch for the visiting wife&son of my only kid brother, treated the nephew with animation online, taught folks some lessons in meal. dozed awhile after all left. posted recent tweets.
first sunny day after rains.^villager's kids gamed on notebook again, till near 5pm before they left. taught a weak boy always follow his elder sister a lesson, forced the boy cried&sat on ground. claimed family accounts with new etherpad sites, sorted bookmarks. taught mother another lesson when she attempted to show the peeking evils nearby that God's way is like a conspire, let her never stay in dark nor wrong doings. the demon doubting&reckon after dinner,amid the back neighbor celebrating their new house's setting cornerstone, so i haunted outside, walked first time to the road reaching out to main road of the community. chatted with baby&his mom online, via remote desktop updated her local bookmarks as well as her delicious bookmarks. its all time a brilliant sunny day.

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ

for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

an old house, likely now ditched.

visiting nephew, Zhuyi,朱轶, gamed on my notebook with his niece, 朱露西.

scenery Zhudajiu village, Mount Dabei and fish pond.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

  • 14:55 taught lessons for kids in my passed dad, God's shine. treated visiting village kids with games. missing baby son .. htxt.it/l/AHfufE #
  • 14:55 taught lessons for kids in my passed dad, God's shine.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kE #
  • 17:17 [GReader Share]卢安克:这样的生活是为了什么? - goo.gl/tsQA #
  • 21:31 first sunny day after rains. villager's kids gamed on notebook again, till near 5pm before they left. taught a wea.. htxt.it/l/YveELv #
  • 21:31 first sunny day after rains. : wp.me/p2Dmc-kF #
  • 11:00 sunny morning. dreamed of fearfully managing to setup a business. dozed awhile after breakfast in the shallow of s.. htxt.it/l/P7t3gz #
  • 11:00 sunny morning.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kG #
follow benzrad at twitter

Sunday, May 23, 2010

  • 14:53 rains clean, rains moisture the thirsty. post.ly/gvsT #
  • 14:53 rains clean, rains moisture the thirsty.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kB #
  • 14:59 rains in sanity. amplify.com/u/6afu #
  • 15:19 a solitary raining day. fog still half cover our mountains. God blesses my Royal of China. read latest blog http:/... bit.ly/c29Co9 #
  • 09:00 visiting sister-in-law&her son. last night attempted to export baby son's mom, emakingir's wordpress blog, but fai.. htxt.i t/l/4Fml4w #
  • 09:00 visiting sister-in-law&her son.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kC #
  • 10:51 settled family blogs' export&import. finally got family blogs export, via blogger&convert into wordpress' wxr form.. htxt.it/l/NQqiiM #
  • 10:51 settled family blogs' export&import.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kD #
follow benzrad at twitter

Saturday, May 22, 2010

rains clean, rains moisture the thirsty.

tweets on May 21, 2010

a warm cloudy morning.^the rubbish rabbles among sinful neighbor wives woke me up, and drove me getting up. sang in echo of birds' twitters. a visiting niece's shows her astonish upon baby son's smartness, and enchanted me. then prepared recent photos for publish. roasters croaking around, so peaceful a village scene!

Masheng touched me.^read in front yard till it started to drizzle. activated family google apps' waves, &setup. sinful mother sought to sell herself, saying had to help elder brother's grandson for they busy with grain in field now. she left me dishes&left. i saw how she treated my passed dad when he, God, lived a miserable life before he decided to leave the earth. baby's mom, emakingir, posted her first blog, i replied to encourage her activity now in cyberspace.

glory of Dad, God, shown me via sins of his relatives.^again upset by the cheap&sanity of my mother's dark soul. the devil, 2 cousins both in the fell&hell of Chinese bureaucracy, visited, trying to connect via my mother, who forever admires power like a rootless weak grass.

Holy moisturises thirst.^got holy message&talked to baby son, assured him the coming new game notebook. haunted village front plaza, taught mother&elder brother lesson on self-esteem. chatted with baby's mom, emakingir, online, on her new micro/blogging attempts, inform her expedient ways to do it. it rained harder in night, so blessing. God, i missing my girls, my second baby son with Masheng, my Crowned Queen from Japan. bring me closer to my new life!

help baby's mom, emakingir, refining her 163 blog&contacts. trying to add custom block to include her tweets but failed. narrowly done.

tweets on May 22, 2010

peace&hope in the cool morning.^a rain morning but now stopped. the raining scene rare in northern China: it can rain all days and last a week. i felt fruitful upon last night's works. check the result this morning. now surfing, in God's light.

reviewed sin of China nowadays.^treated visiting village kids with games&animation online. restored os against virus infection risk. reviewed the insanity of China all levels authority&even more missing baby son, God of Universe, Hope of China. the sinful neighbor launched to lay cornerstone for their new house, the young wife peeking into my dad's old house for the visiting kids closed door, trying to verify her dark soul in search. really felt the rains plenty, that's what i dreamed after.
  • 13:04 Masheng touched me. read in front yard till it started to drizzle. activated family google apps' waves, &setup. si.. htxt.it/l/oUSxMm #
  • 13:04 Masheng touched me.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kx #
  • 15:06 [GReader Share]Google Web 字体 API 访谈 - goo.gl/uRLm #
  • 17:32 glory of Dad, God, shown me via sins of his relatives. again upset by the cheap&sanity of my mother's dark soul. t.. htxt.it/l/5r4W66 #
  • 17:32 glory of Dad, God, shown me via sins of his relatives.: wp.me/p2Dmc-ky #
  • 20:26 Holy moistures thirst. got holy message&talked to baby son, assured him the coming new game notebook. haunted vill.. htxt.it/l/YQ5OrV #
  • 20:27 Holy moistures thirst.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kz #
  • 09:04 peace&hope in the cool morning. a rain morning but now stopped. the raining scene rare in northern China: it can r.. htxt.it/l/WO5XUb #
  • 09:04 peace&hope in the cool morning.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kA #
follow benzrad at twitter

Friday, May 21, 2010

  • 11:37 real booming summer heat arriving, among rains on southern China. post.ly/gfen #
  • 11:38 real booming summer heat arriving, among rains on southern China.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kv #
  • 11:38 benzrad blog real booming summer heat arriving, among rains in southern China.: 20/5/2010 a warm cloudy morning.^... bit.ly/b9OGvV #
  • 15:58 [GReader Share]Reminder: Verify & Claim Your URL - goo.gl/UDp7 #
  • 16:16 [GReader Share]Google Font Directory - goo.gl/ncEp < a href="http://twitter.com/benzillar/statuses/14348187558">#
  • 16:42 [GReader Share]Yfans来稿:雅虎中文(繁体)邮箱支持向facebook状态更新 - goo.gl/jky4 #
  • 16:42 [GReader Share]Google网页字体在线服务 - goo.gl/azdx #
  • 20:17 [GReader Share]zhone publication - goo.gl/LPXC #
  • 20:22 [GReader Share]ZhonePublic - goo.gl/jcx5 #
  • 20:54 too busy recently&body responds. read. dozed after felt too sore in waist. chatted with baby's mom, ema, but she d.. ht xt.it/l/WTqpU8 #
  • 20:54 too busy recently&amp;body responds.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kw #
  • 09:56 [GReader Share]Google网页字体在线服务启动 - goo.gl/XjgQ #
follow benzrad at twitter

Thursday, May 20, 2010

real booming summer heat arriving, among rains in southern China.


a warm cloudy morning.^the rubbish rabbles among sinful neighbor wives woke me up, and drove me getting up. sang in echo of birds' twitters. a visiting niece's shows her astonish upon baby son's smartness, and enchanted me. then prepared recent photos for publish. roasters croaking around, so peaceful a village scene!


busy day, end it with family plaxo profile refined.^read most day. sorted stuff from web. late afternoon visited front plaza of the village&elder brother's house. shot some photos. teased the grandson of brother. dined in back yard of my dad's old house. baby's mom, emakingir, inquired Chinese job sites, but refused to elaborate online in night, when i tried to chat with baby son via QQ. check ema's 163 blogs, refined family plaxo profiles, done till near 10pm.

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ

for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

my passed dad's craft: traditional stone lintel.

village hall of Zhudajiu, benzrad's hometown.

raining day small stream gathered on ground in dad's old house's backyard.

  • 12:07 [GReader Share]山寨平板电脑上用 Chrome 必备的扩展:Chrome Touch - goo.gl/80g2 #
  • 15:04 [GReader Share]号称全球最大的图标搜索引擎-FindIcons.com - goo.gl/5Rxo #
  • 21:59 busy day, end it with family plaxo profile refined.: wp.me/p2Dmc-ku #
  • 21:59 busy day, end it with family plaxo profile refined. read most day. sorted stuff from web. late afternoon visited f.. htxt.it/l/D0a6Id #
follow benzrad at twitter

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

  • 13:44 fruitful day. drizzle&cloudy all day. help baby's mom, emakingir, update her local bookmarks via remote desk as sc.. htxt.it/l/36zwy1 #
  • 13:44 fruitful day.: wp.me/p2Dmc-ko #
  • 13:55 benzrad's tweet&amp;comment in May 15-18,2010 amplify.com/u/621p #
  • 13:55 benzrad's tweet&amp;comment in May 15-18,2010: wp.me/p2Dmc-kp #
  • 13:55 benzrad's tweet&amp;comment in May 15-18,2010 post.ly/gQlK #
  • 14:05 benzrad's tweet&amp;comment in May 15-18,2010: wp.me/p2Dmc-kq #
  • 14:39 [GReader Share]11个优秀的制作移动友好网站的解决方案 - goo.gl/D73r #
  • 15:35 [GReader Share]Gpanion:打包常用的Google服务 - goo.gl/5pbU #
  • 22:55 enrich family amplify clogs with their publication links respectively.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kr #
  • 22:55 enrich family amplify clogs with their publication links respectively. suggested baby's mom, emakingir, zoho produ.. htxt.it/l/dI0Iai #
  • 09:56 benzrad blog benzrad's tweet&comment in rain days till now a bright and fresh morning.: tweet on May 19,2010f... bit.ly/d2A6Mo #
  • 10:04 benzrad's tweet&amp;comment in rain days, till now a mild sunny day. amplify.com/u/64s5 #
  • 10:04 benzrad's tweet&amp;comment in rain days, till now a mild sunny day. post.ly/gXIG #
  • 10:04 benzrad's tweet&amp;comment in rain days, till now a mild sunny day.: wp.me/p2Dmc-ks #
  • 11:04 benzrad's tweet&amp;comment in rain days till now a bright and fresh morning.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kt #
  • 11:04 benzrad's tweet&comment in rain days till now a bright and fresh morning. post.ly/gXau #
follow benzrad at twitter

benzrad's tweet&comment in rain days till now a bright and fresh morning.

tweet on May 19,2010

first mild sunny morning in these raining days.^last night worked on family clogs till 11pm. this morning neighbor wives' babble together outside woke me up.  its the first day in series of rain day with weak sunshine. i at once shifted my workspace into my dad's old house' front yard. fresh air and breeze let me at ease. i like my works since my arrival at my hometown village, my dad's land, so far. harvest season just assured from Heaven. now praying God that my beloved, my girls, esp. my girl zhou, follow and join me sooner. my fruit of persistent unshakable vision, living with my joy and love, ready for my girls, my Royal of China. God, that's my prayer in this auspicious morning.

tweet on May 18,2010

fruitful day.^drizzle&cloudy all day. help baby's mom, emakingir, update her local bookmarks via remote desk as scheduled, to include zoho challenge accounts claimed last night. read, later with help from friends in google buzz, activated family qq microblog accounts. tried to inform ema&succeeded in afternoon. so nice a day. visit http://t.qq.com/bentchu http://t.qq.com/warrenzhu http://t.qq.com/emakingir .even i dislike QQ, a Chinese mainstream portal, but i own the right to open its service, which in beta&requests invitation code, under my qq account. then tried zoho's new product, challenge, setup some question bank&mashup 2 tests. in night tried to suggest ema tried the ready tests. baby played pc game with his mom, and don't want to talk to his grandma, who felt at a loss&urged me to teach baby to show respect to her, but i rebuffed it. its really a fruitful day.

tweet on May 17,2010

a epiphanic morning.^posted a new blog entry last night. in dawn it rains cats and dogs. i praying God saves my bed&gadgets from raindrop, for the old roof leaked lots of raindrops.

full day rains to clean dirt.^raining all day. read most of time. nephew, now a entrepreneur, brought mother some gifts. a sinful fat woman of a villager's wife, seduced mother to profane my passed dad. taught mom the sin, but the demon cooked me a rich dinner&again fell into evil&recharged with feeling of triumph. God, save me from wasted mercy.

tweet on May 16,2010

a day of bliss.^read. treated visiting children&students with animation online and games. prepared&posted recent photos, failed many times even via proxy, succeeded with a cute girl's companion. late afternoon haunted front space of the village, shooting photos. the evil neighbor wives peeking me&around. God blesses me in dusk drizzle when i ate a rich dinner mother prepared. posted a blog entry for it in night.

tweet on May 15,2010

God's message yesterday.

benzrad's comment on May 17,2010

清华女生13年前被投毒铊中毒事件因阴暗的权力较量至今未果 - GFW BLOG

来源:人人网 希望大家耐心看完。 朱令,祝你生日快乐。 这是你的第三十五个生日。可是我不想叫你姐姐,因为在我一厢情愿的记忆里,你永远是那个健康活泼,聪明可爱的大学女生。 你之于我,是素未谋面的陌生人。可是自从今年年初我知道你的事情开始,你的名字就再也没有从我的脑海里褪去。我将用我生命中的每一个时刻,来记住你,记住你的遭遇。 十三年,弹指一挥间。十三年前清华校园里的你,意气风发,高大苗条,...
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benzrad zhu - no doubt the Sun should be killed by zhu, the coming national honored family name, the discloser&downtaker of dark&cheating recent China history with family name Sun, like Sun zhongshan. kill, kill, kill. 1:23 pm

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

  • 12:58 [GReader Share]HTTPS安全FAQ - goo.gl/2807 #
  • 13:03 [GReader Share]清华女生13年前被投毒铊中毒事件因阴暗的权力较量至今未果 - goo.gl/N5jx #
  • 13:04 [GReader Share]清华女生13年前被投毒铊中毒事件因阴暗的权力较量至今未果 - goo.gl/N5jx no doubt the sun should be killed by zhu, the coming national family name. #
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  • 20:53 full day rains to clean dirt. raining all day. read most of time. nephew, now a entrepreneur, brought mother some .. htxt.it/l/HCnrBI #
  • 20:53 full day rains to clean dirt.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kn #
follow benzrad at twitter

Monday, May 17, 2010

  • 21:11 benzrad blog God affirms me with mighty deed in dusk drizzle.: 16/5/2010 today witness God's deed. the morning wh... bit.ly/bSWAuX #
  • 21:36 a day weighted by pleasure of young lives: villagers' children gamed on my notebook more than 3 hours. God's deed ... bit.ly/cHC4hm #
  • 21:48 a day of bliss. read. treated visiting children&students with animation online and games. prepared&posted recent p.. htxt.it/l/faI1gI #
  • 21:48 a day of bliss.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kk #
  • 07:53 a e piphanic morning. posted a new blog entry last night. in dawn it rains cats and dogs. i praying God saves my be.. htxt.it/l/1bSDzN #
  • 07:53 a epiphanic morning.: wp.me/p2Dmc-kl #
  • 07:53 a epiphanic morning.^posted a new blog entry last night. in dawn it rains cats and dogs. i praying God saves my... amplify.com/u/615v #
  • 08:32 a dusk drizzle God shows glory of the Son.: wp.me/p2Dmc-km #
  • 08:32 a dusk drizzle God shows glory of the Son. post.ly/gGC6 #
follow benzrad at twitter

Sunday, May 16, 2010

God affirms me with mighty deed in dusk drizzle.


today witness God's deed. the morning when i got up its gloomy. after breakfast i read indoor. then shifted to front yard of my dad's old house to read when it turned clearer. soon some kids in the village visited me. i treated them with animation online. when some of them asking for games, i let them playing pc games on my notebook. then more children or students arrived&gamed, let the front yard noise and happy. after forced them left when i felt enough, i prepared recent photos, and posted them with God's help against China surveillance, which failed me for more than an hour when i fought alone. a cute girl accompanied me when i succeeded posting to picasaweb. i shown her and later other girls their photos on my album online. when they started to game, i rested or tutored them to master computer mouse they first time used. they tried 3 games, and reluctant to give up. i soon brought my camera to haunt the village's front plaza, where again empty, likely most residential busy with indoor gambling. i shoot some photo of water, one of my favorite theme, then visit my elder brother's home, where i shot more scenery pictures. mother asked neighbor wives to buy pork, and still preparing dinner when i returned home. i rested in my dad's old house's back yard. its a long time before mother served dinner, and when i started to eat dinner, some evil neighbor wives gathered to watch the coming drizzle driving my mother indoor. but i insisted to finish dinner in drizzle. when i finished first bowl of rice with some marvellous dishes, the drizzle stopped. i felt God's bliss and exchanged one or two sentences with a neighbor wife for glad seeing the rain favor us. then a more serious drizzled suddenly arrived, mother rushes to collect dishes and moved to house to evade the drizzle even i insisted and finished my dinner in the drizzle, which wet my suite's shoulders. God don't alert me with precaution, but i know i do the right things any time. in peace, i shifted the table, which only left a dish by my failed mother, to our house after my last suck of rice wine several weeks ago elder sister bought me, and went outside lavatory to make water. the drizzle stopped almost at once. i chatted in dad's front yard with neighbor wife and her son about a new game i got late afternoon, and invited the kid even i knew he wouldn't join for the failure and hostile from his demon family. then i sang in open air till mother let me doing cleaning for night. the matter in the dusk is clearest God's deed. for the sinful neighbor wife, just behind my dad's house, is a Buddhist. she worshipped a puppy Buddha in her room facing our kitchen. dad, God, u shown killing and all why this dusk.
its all right when i watching TV. but mother felt at a loss, and tried to challenge me by sat parallel to me on my bed watching TV. i know her struggle against me, till she retreated in her claim for sleep. God, u sees i never response for any sins in the world of human.

benzrad's tweets&comments in May 12-16,2010

{May 12, 2010} mercy in Heaven. 

read in front square of dad's house after sky turns clearer. received the visiting aunt. dirt challenged, also from the front dark house owner, and drizzled awhile, let me shift working space indoor. mother babbled while doing sewing with neighbor wives all afternoon. i enjoy reading&download. post lastest blog to myspace. eldest brother, the demon captured, invited me to partake his shrimps&bird meat. i refused. the son of dark house owner joined. mother attempted to mimic, suggested cooking me a chicken, i irritated&refuted. watched awhile local TV news. talked to baby son in air. his mom still in school near 8pm, while his grandma attending there. it drizzling again now, for cleansing&healing. 

the ethic of modern China, esp. communist China, sinks into the darkest in China history. the cop/bureaucracy/machine dog system all among the social tissue smothered any humanity of hope. only God of Christian saves China, after the reformation of backbone and in the monstor's corpse from its ruin quite soon. China republic, is totally a premature, an abortion of the sin of seduction by Russian Red. http://amplify.com/u/5ykv 

{May 13, 2010} God blesses. 
rained likely all night. but wind let the ground now almost dry. the air so fresh, and the nearby mountain so green and living, let me sang&recited poems. evil eldest brother attempted to hurt me. it drizzling again now. enjoy douban.fm, on which last night i fav quite some albums manually.

read all day. dozed awhile when i rest on long bench in front yard to avoid the noise of neighbor wives babbles. help the mother, a disable elder, of neighbor. talked with Masheng all day. demo family album, including her daughter, to the wife of the ditched neighbor house. tried to chat with baby&his mom online, but soon forced down, like China surveillance broke between. 

{May 15, 2010} lightened by young lives. 
dreamed of college alumni. a pale morning, cold when sat&read online. somebody hurt around me, but God's shine forever incomparable shiny. read while neighbor wives babbled near my back door, including the sinful neighbor husband. i roamed awhile to evade dirt. then girl children&students, also including boys, visited. i treated them with animation online, later girl students played pc games. they left lately. i haunted the front village with my camera, shot some folks, some of them interested by my shooting. shown them their photos. dined in back yard. watched TV before surfed. ema chatted with me when she wired, and a nice talk.

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ

for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

some plants and the village hall.

village children and students played pc games on benzrad, my notebook.

granddaughter of my elder brother.

entertained multiplied between kid villagers and me, benzrad, Founder of new Empire of China.


today witness God's deed. the morning when i got up its gloomy. after breakfast i read indoor. then shifted to front yard of my dad's old house to read when it turned clearer. soon some kids in the village visited me. i treated them with animation online. when some of them asking for games, i let them playing pc games on my notebook. then more children or students arrived&gamed, let the front yard noise and happy. after forced them left when i felt enough, i prepared recent photos, and posted them with God's help against China surveillance, which failed me for more than an hour when i fought alone. a cute girl accompanied me when i succeeded posting to picasaweb. i shown her and later other girls their photos on my album online. when they started to game, i rested or tutored them to master computer mouse they first time used. they tried 3 games, and reluctant to give up. i soon brought my camera to haunt the village's front plaza, where again empty, likely most residential busy with indoor gambling. i shoot some photo of water, one of my favorite theme, then visit my elder brother's home, where i shot more scenery pictures. mother asked neighbor wives to buy pork, and still preparing dinner when i returned home. i rested in my dad's old house's back yard. its a long time before mother served dinner, and when i started to eat dinner, some evil neighbor wives gathered to watch the coming drizzle driving my mother indoor. but i insisted to finish dinner in drizzle. when i finished first bowl of rice with some marvellous dishes, the drizzle stopped. i felt God's bliss and exchanged one or two sentences with a neighbor wife for glad seeing the rain favor us. then a more serious drizzled suddenly arrived, mother rushes to collect dishes and moved to house to evade the drizzle even i insisted and finished my dinner in the drizzle, which wet my suite's shoulders. God don't alert me with precaution, but i know i do the right things any time. in peace, i shifted the table, which only left a dish by my failed mother, to our house after my last suck of rice wine several weeks ago elder sister bought me, and went outside lavatory to make water. the drizzle stopped almost at once. i chatted in dad's front yard with neighbor wife and her son about a new game i got late afternoon, and invited the kid even i knew he wouldn't join for the failure and hostile from his demon family. then i sang in open air till mother let me doing cleaning for night. the matter in the dusk is clearest God's deed. for the sinful neighbor wife, just behind my dad's house, is a Buddhist. she worshipped a puppy Buddha in her room facing our kitchen. dad, God, u shown killing and all why this dusk.
its all right when i watching TV. but mother felt at a loss, and tried to challenge me by sat parallel to me on my bed watching TV. i know her struggle against me, till she retreated in her claim for sleep. God, u sees i never response for any sins in the world of human.

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ

for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.
A large gap digged by villagers' quarry.

a new villager's house can described as luxury.

granddaughter of my elder brother.

Posted via email from zhuson, united US and China in one under God's shine. ╋中美一家神