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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

  • 11:13 [GReader Share]98MB的Quirky Linux 0.1 - goo.gl/XB7k #
  • 11:20 [GReader Share]Speccy 1.00.125 Beta 释出――新增网络设备检测 - goo.gl/ivok #
  • 13:48 [GReader Share]Google,等你回来 - goo.gl/3I7O #
  • 13:59 healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land. amplify.com/u/3g25 #
  • 13:59 healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land. post.ly/UWNV #
  • 13:59 healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.: wp.me/p2Dmc-j6 #
  • 14:07 benzrad blog healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land.: not down with google China, but Ch... bit.ly/a0apat #
  • 14:43 born theft Chinese on mainland. amplify.com/u/3g44 #
  • 14:43 born theft Chinese on mainland. post.ly/UWpi #
  • 14:43 born theft Chinese on mainland.: wp.me/p2Dmc-j7 #
  • 14:47 [GReader Share]CrazyUpload 支援單檔1GB的免費上傳空間 - goo.gl/KiUg #
  • 17:12 strong conclusion, insightful view. amplify.com/u/3ga6 #
  • 17:12 strong conclusion, insightful view. post.ly/UYDT #
  • 17:12 strong conclusion, insightful view.: wp.me/p2Dmc-j8 #
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